35th International Conference on
Field-Programmable Logic and Applications
September 1-5, 2025 | Leiden, The Netherlands
Call for Papers — Regular Track
- Extended Abstract submission:
March 14March 21, 2025 (AoE) - Extended Full Paper submission:
March 21March 28, 2025 (AoE) - Notification of acceptance: May 27, 2025 (AoE)
The International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL) was the first and remains the largest conference dedicated to the rapidly growing field-programmable logic and reconfigurable computing area. Over the past 34 years, many key advances in reconfigurable system architectures, applications, embedded processors, design automation methods, and tools have been first published in the FPL conference proceedings. The conference brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry worldwide.
We welcome contributions on (but not limited to) the following topics related to FPL:
- Architectures and Technology
- Design Methods and Tools
- Application Acceleration
- Safety-Critical Applications
- Programming Models and Languages
- High-Performance Computing
- System Software and Environment Support
- Security of Reconfigurable Systems
Prospective authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers in IEEE double-column format.
- Long papers may include up to eight pages plus up to two pages for references.
- Short papers are limited to four pages plus, at most, one additional page for references.
These limits are strict; submissions exceeding them will be automatically rejected. The conference proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore. The submission link is https://easychair.org/conferences?conf=fpl2025.
Submission Information
We encourage two types of submissions:
- Long papers: limited to eight pages plus two pages of references (i.e., the references do not count in the eight pages, and references must not exceed two pages).
- Short papers: limited to four pages plus one page of references (i.e., the references do not count in the four pages, and references must not exceed one page). Please use the subtitle Short Paper in the submission.
Page limits are strict, and papers exceeding this limit will be rejected automatically. For both types of submissions, the abstract is limited to 300 words. After the abstract submission deadline, the author list and order entered in the system cannot be changed anymore.
All contributions must be submitted electronically in PDF format and follow the IEEE double-column format. Templates are available directly from IEEE (https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html). The submission link is https://easychair.org/conferences?conf=fpl2025. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings.
FPL 2025 uses a double-blind reviewing system. Manuscripts must not identify authors or their affiliations; those that do will not be considered. References to the authors' prior work should be made in the third person, in the same way one would reference work by others, with adequate anonymisation to preserve double-blind reviewing. Authors can utilize tools like Anonymous GitHub to anonymize repositories if needed.
Authors guarantee that submitted papers are original and unpublished. Submissions cannot be under review or accepted elsewhere nor substantially similar to papers being considered for other conferences, journals, or workshops unless previously presented at venues without archived proceedings.
All potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed during submission, including all authors and program committee members. Conflicts include, but are not limited to, instances within the last five years where you co-authored a publication, shared funding, or had an overlapping institutional affiliation. Failure to disclose conflicts or falsely declaring conflicts to manipulate the review process may result in rejecting the submission.